Monday, July 18, 2011

Truly Missy

So I have decided to do this blog on blogger. I have so many out there but felt this new one will best rep me. Well, I finally published my book Blueberry State of Mind, a collection of reflective truths by (yours truly) Missy Smith available @,,,, Borders and your local bookstores.  I am amazed by the openness I allowed this book to take on. Sometimes going through pain you tend to keep things bottled up and I just no longer felf the need to do this. I am an emotional writer and in actuality it helps me with the releasing of what I have termed my "Emotional Truths". I began writing at the age of  6 as it was a way for my mind to escape the physical and mental abuse I unfortunately had to endure. It has taken a long time to come to grips with the road my life landed upon but I know now the beauty of SURVIVING and so I will shout it to the rooftops if need be that I am a SURVIVOR and nothing nor anyone can ever take that from me.

Blueberry State of Mind represents my healing. There are poems and reflections gracing these 130 pages. A lot of the poems in this book were written from the age of 6 to now. I am so proud that I allowed my vision to be seen by you all. Many more of my reflections can be found on my facebook page under Author Missy Smith, also you can read more about me on
as well as following me on twitter @msprettyeyes33

Again, I love writing as it is a permanent part of me and I will continue to share these writing with you, the world.

I am Missy Smith, Author of Blueberry State of Mind, a collection of reflective truths.
Writer of "Life" and everything in-between.

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